
Richard E. Hopkins ‘Torch’ Awards

The “Torch” Awards acknowledges individuals who work to improve the lives of those affected by mental health or other health-related issues within the Central Texas Community.  These awards honor the work and advocacy of Richard E. Hopkins, past Vice –Chair of the Integral Care Board of Trustees and longtime conference supporter.

This award will be given based upon the extent to which the nominee meets the following three criteria:

  • Advocacy
  • Determination
  • Role Modeling

Nominees must represent one of the following groups:

  • Consumer: An individual with a mental illness, substance use disorder or intellectual developmental disability who works to help others affected by similar issues.
  • Family Member: An individual with a family member or friend with a mental illness, substance use disorder or intellectual developmental disability and who advocates or works to help everyone affected by mental illness or other health problems or disparities.
  • Professional: A clinician, social worker or other individuals who work in a professional capacity to raise awareness and help all people affected by mental illness or other health problems or disparities.
  • Community Leader: An elected official, faith leader or other community leaders who use his or her position to help people affected by mental illness or other health problems or disparities.