
Sponsor 2025 Today


Sponsorship Opportunities

Welcome to the Sponsor Page for the 25th Annual Conference on Promoting Mental Health Well-being within the African American Community!

As a sponsor, your organization will gain visibility among a diverse audience of mental health professionals, community leaders, policymakers, and individuals passionate about improving mental health outcomes in the African American community. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your organization's dedication to making a positive difference and to connect with stakeholders who share your goals.

Sponsorship Levels

Bridging the Gap Event: Your organization will receive prominent recognition during the Bridging the Gap event on October 17. Prominent logo placement on printed materials and digital media shoutouts leading up to and after the event. Receive ten tickets and VIP parking at the event location. 🌟🎉🌟 


25th Anniversary Conference Benefits: 

  • Keynote Speaker: Prominent branding recognition before and after the keynote speech as determined by your organization as an opportunity to position your organization as a thought leader in the field of mental health and diversity. 
  • Exclusive Workshop: Opportunity to sponsor an exclusive workshop session focusing on a specific aspect of mental health, disabilities, substance use disorder, or physical health to showcase your expertise and support. 
  • Comfort Suite: Create a dedicated wellness lounge area within the conference venue, sponsored by your organization, where attendees can relax, recharge, and access resources related to mental health and self-care. 
  • Branded Wellness Kits: Provide attendees with branded wellness kits sponsored by the underwriter, containing useful resources, self-care items, and information on accessing support services in Central Texas. 
  • Prominent Branding Recognition: Ensure that the underwriter's branding is prominently displayed throughout the conference venue, including on signage, banners, digital screens, and promotional materials, to demonstrate their commitment to supporting health and wellness initiatives in Central Texas. 
  • Social Media Promotion: Maximize exposure by reaching a wider audience interested in mental health issues through social media, with dedicated posts highlighting your organization's sponsorship and contributions. 
  • Exhibitor Table: Showcase your mission and services to attendees through an exhibitor table, providing an interactive platform to engage with participants and share valuable resources. 
  • Complimentary Registrations with CEU Credits: Receive complimentary tickets as requested, each eligible for continuing education credits, allowing your team to fully participate in the conference program and earn valuable professional development credentials. 
  • Virtual Group Sponsorship**: Organize virtual support group sessions facilitated by professionals in the field, sponsored by the underwriter, to provide ongoing support and education for conference attendees beyond the event dates. 

Bridging the Gap Event: Your organization will receive recognition during the Bridging the Gap event on October 17. Logo placement on printed materials, digital media shoutouts. Receive six tickets to the event. 🌟🎉 


25th Anniversary Conference Benefits: 

  • Speaker Introduction or Workshop Opportunity: Choose to introduce a speaker or host a workshop, positioning your organization as a thought leader in the field of mental health and diversity. 
  • Panel Discussion Participation: Designate a key staff member from your organization to participate in a panel discussion during the workshop, contributing expertise and insights to critical conversations. 
  • Name Recognition: Your organization’s name prominently featured in all digital conference email blasts and on the conference website throughout the year, increasing brand visibility and association with our event. 
  • Social Media Promotion: Maximize exposure by reaching a wider audience interested in mental health issues through social media, with dedicated posts highlighting your organization's sponsorship and contributions. 
  • Exhibitor Table: Showcase your mission and services to attendees through an exhibitor table, providing an interactive platform to engage with participants and share valuable resources. 
  • Complimentary Registrations with CEU Credits: Receive six complimentary tickets, each eligible for continuing education credits, allowing your team to fully participate in the conference program and earn valuable professional development credentials. 

Bridging the Gap Event: Your organization will receive recognition during the Bridging the Gap event on October 17. Receive four tickets to the event. 🌟 

25th Anniversary Conference Benefits: 

  • Introduce a Workshop Presentation: Showcase your expertise by introducing a workshop presentation, providing valuable visibility for your program. 
  • Name Recognition: Your organization’s name will be prominently featured in all digital conference email blasts and on the conference website throughout the year, increasing brand visibility and association with our mental health initiatives. 
  • Exhibitor Table: Share your mission and initiatives with attendees through an exhibitor table, offering an interactive platform to engage with participants and showcase your commitment to mental health. 
  • Social Media Promotion: Maximize exposure to a wider audience interested in mental health issues through social media, with dedicated posts highlighting your organization's sponsorship and contributions to mental health efforts. 
  • Registration: Receive five complimentary registrations with CEU credits, allowing your team to fully participate in the conference program and earn valuable professional development credentials while enjoying reserved seating at key conference sessions. 

Bridging the Gap Event: Your organization will receive recognition during the Bridging the Gap event on October 17. Receive four tickets to the event. 🌟 

25th Anniversary Conference Benefits: 

  • Introduce a Workshop Presentation: Showcase your expertise by introducing a workshop presentation, providing valuable visibility for your program. 
  • Name Recognition: Your organization’s name will be prominently featured in all digital conference email blasts and on the conference website throughout 2024, increasing brand visibility and association with our mental health initiatives. 
  • Networking Opportunities: Forge connections, exchange ideas, and explore potential collaborations with fellow attendees and stakeholders who share a passion for mental health advocacy. 
  • Exhibitor Table: Share your mission and initiatives with attendees through an exhibitor table, offering an interactive platform to engage with participants and showcase your commitment to mental health. 
  • Social Media Promotion: Maximize exposure to a wider audience interested in mental health issues through social media, with dedicated posts highlighting your organization's sponsorship and contributions to mental health efforts. 
  • Reserved Seating: Receive four complimentary registrations with CEU credits, allowing your team to fully participate in the conference program and earn valuable professional development credentials while enjoying reserved seating at key conference sessions. 
  • Reserved Seating at Luncheon: Receive three complimentary registrations with CEU credits, allowing your team to fully participate in the conference program and earn valuable professional development credentials while enjoying reserved seating at key conference sessions. 
  • Name Recognition: Your organization’s name will be prominently featured in all digital conference email blasts and on the conference website throughout 2024, increasing brand visibility and association with our mental health initiatives. 
  • Three Complimentary Registrations with CEU Credits: Receive three complimentary registrations with Continuing Education Unit credits, allowing your team to fully participate in the conference program and earn valuable professional development credentials. 
  • Exhibitor Table: Share your mission and initiatives with attendees through an exhibitor table, offering an interactive platform to engage with participants and showcase your commitment to mental health. 
  • Name Recognition: Your organization’s name will be prominently featured in all digital conference email blasts and on the conference website throughout 2024, increasing brand visibility and association with our mental health initiatives. 
  • Three Complimentary Registrations with CEU Credits: Receive three complimentary registrations with Continuing Education Unit credits, allowing your team to fully participate in the conference program and earn valuable professional development credentials. 
  • Exhibitor Table: Share your mission and initiatives with attendees through an exhibitor table, offering an interactive platform to engage with participants and showcase your commitment to mental health. 

The limited sponsorships allow for individualized options to fund different components within each level. For example, instead of paying the full Speaker sponsorship level, you can pay for transportation only or hotel costs only. Costs subject to change due to final contracts. 

  • Breakfast Sponsor: Gain exclusive recognition as the sponsor of the conference breakfast, providing attendees with nourishment to start their day off right. Cost to be determined - $ 


Sponsor a networking breakfast session focused on bringing together professionals, advocates, and individuals affected by health challenges, providing a platform for meaningful connections and collaboration 

  • Video Sponsor: Showcase your commitment to mental health awareness by sponsoring a video presentation produced by the conference, reaching a wide audience, and contributing to education and advocacy efforts. Cost to be determined -  
  • Keynote Sponsor: accommodations, transportation, speaking fees, per diem, introduce speaker- estimated cost - $7500. 
  • A/V estimated cost -  
  • Lunch sponsor:  
  • Registration Scholarships: minimum $5000 

Your partnership as a Conference Sponsor will not only showcase your organization’s support for mental health awareness and advocacy but also contribute to the collective effort to advance these crucial initiatives. We are excited about the opportunity to collaborate with you to create a meaningful impact at our conference and beyond. Thank you for your generous support. 

For sponsorship inquiries and further details, please contact Lady Jane Acquah